Diagnostic Pathology and Molecular Genetics of the Thyroid (3rd Edition)3rd Edition (current)
2nd Edition of Diagnostic Pathology and Molecular Genetics of the Thyroid
2nd Edition
1st Edition of Diagnostic Pathology and Molecular Genetics of the Thyroid
1st Edition

Diagnostic Pathology and Molecular Genetics of the Thyroid:
A Comprehensive Guide for Practicing Thyroid Pathology

Yuri E. Nikiforov, MD, PhD • Paul W. Biddinger, MD • Lester D.R. Thompson, MD FASCP FCAP

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Diagnostic Pathology and Molecular Genetics of the Thyroid, Second Edition, offers a comprehensive overview of the diagnostic surgical pathology, cytopathology, immunohistochemistry and molecular genetics of the thyroid diseases, including neoplastic and non-neoplastic conditions. The book provides a detailed description of the surgical pathology of thyroid diseases side by side with major advances in immunohistochemistry and molecular genetics that can be used in evaluating thyroid tumors and non-neoplastic diseases.


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Three years after the first edition of an excellent all about thyroid book, the second edition appeared in the spring of 2012. It has incorporated new cognitions including novel histopathologic variants of thyroid cancers, accumulated experience with imunohistochemical markers, and new results of comprehensive molecular tastings of the thyroid cancers both sporadic and familial. The second edition has 55 more pages, one new chapter, and numerous new photographs,diagrams, and charts, all carefully chosen to reflect recent advances in thyroid pathology and refinements of diagnostic criteria for various thyroid diseases. The new chapter is entitled Molecular testing of thyroid fine needle aspiration samples. It deals with the role of molecular testing with a panel of mutations on fine needle aspirates in order to distinguish whether thyroid nodule is benign or malignant, which is especially useful in cases with indeterminate cytological diagnosis.

I highly praised the first edition of this thyroid textbook and I am glad that the new edition is here confirming its value as well as the scientific and educational ardor of the main author and editor (Yuri Nikiforov M.D., Ph.D.) who, with the great help of other editors and coauthors, has granted us with the best thyroid book ever written. Molecular chapters contributed by Marina Nikiforova M.D., the highly competent scientist in this field, have made this textbook unique among other thyroid books. This textbook thus amalgams surgical pathology, cytology, and molecular pathology and represents three books in one lavishly illustrated by gross photographs, microphotographs, and illustrations, which are all in color and of superb quality. I strongly recommend this textbook to every practicing pathologist, pathology trainees, head and neck surgeons, molecular pathologists, endocrinologists, and to everybody interested in thyroid diseases.

by Desa Gobovic (June 19, 2012)